How come?

How come when it comes to rescuing dogs, so many people are willing to come together and help? Image

Before I go further into this, I want to clarify, I am a HUGE dog lover. I love dogs. I am also a supporter in dog rescue. However, there is way more cruelty going on than meets the eye. 

On Facebook, you can very easily find millions of dog rescue groups. This is a wonderful thing. You will find petitions online against Michael Vick for his past of abusing dogs. You will find adoption agencies searching carefully for the perfect family to take in a rehabilitated dog. You will find hate groups against breeder, vouchers to help spay and neuter, help with getting vaccinations for your pets, the list goes on… If you look, you will find an abundance of help offered to these sweet, deserving dogs… 

I wonder, how are these same people who are so passionate in saving these dogs, so passionate to where they do this for a living, they live for it, still eat and support the meat industry?

Yes, this is one of those things you do not wish to address. Yes, this is something you do not want to see. Yes, this is something that is easier to turn a blind eye to than do something about.


Don’t. Please, hear me out, do not turn a blind eye any longer. The truth must be revealed.


Are you aware of the animal cruelty that goes on in the meat industry? Cruelty aside, are you aware that if we instead gave all our crops grown to feed the livestock bred for the meat industry that we would easily cover the hunger need of people across the world?? Are you aware that the livestock industry is the cause of most air and water pollution? Did you know that our bodies have quite a difficult time digesting animal protein and results in numerous cancers? Also, animal products are the leading causes of cancers, allergies, diabetes, heart disease, hormonal imbalance, osteoporosis, the list goes on. The media tells us that milk gives us calcium and is good for the bones. Meat gives us protein. If this were so, why would most of our commercials be filled with calcium and fiber supplements? Why, if we get all minerals and vitamins needed, do we have a vitamin store in every town? Why are our teeth broad, flat and just like other herbivores? Why do we chew in a vertical, round motion like other herbivores? Carnivores chew up and down. Yes, we have a couple of canines, as do all other herbivores. Milk giving us calcium is a bold faced lie. Like all animal protein, milk acidifies the body pH which in turn triggers a biological correction. You see, calcium is an excellent acid neutralizer and the biggest storage of calcium in the body is – you guessed it… in the bones. So the very same calcium that our bones need to stay strong is utilized to neutralize the acidifying effect of milk. Once calcium is pulled out of the bones, it leaves the body via the urine, so that the surprising net result after this is an actual calcium deficit. Cow’s milk is perfect for calves only. We deprive calves of their mother’s milk by stealing it to drink for ourselves. I only jotted a few things down about this, I, myself, am more concerned with the animal cruelty than the harm eating animals have on our body. 

Where to begin? The meat industry is like a new holocaust but bigger and more sickening. THe abuse that goes on is unacceptable. Cows are forced to get pregnant by a man’s fist being shoved in with sperm or a metal rod. They are forced to stay pregnant and filled with hormones to produce mass amounts of milk. Once they give birth, the calves are stolen away from their mothers to be killed in a horrible way. There is nothing humane about killing an animal. The worst sound every made is a mother wailing for her calf. Cows are slaughtered in numerous ways, most common is to be hung upside down and throat slit to allow drainage. If the cows refuse to get off the truck to go into the slaughter house, which most do because they know it’s not safe, they are not dumb, they are forced off with electrob rods or beat until they walk off the truck. They are punched in the face, kicked in the utter, belly, rear, side, they break their tails, they do whatever it takes to get this cow off the truck and into the slaughter house. I have seen footage undercover of this cruelty. Chickens are thrown off. Baby chicks are thrown in handfuls into grinders while fully alive. Calves have their heads stomped on. The men that do this do it in fun, as a game. They laugh, cheer each other on. It’s fun for them. No one cares. No one does anything about it. As long as the animal is dead and ground up to be sold as food. Pigs, who have a mind equivalency of a 2-4 year old child and who are much more intelligent than dogs, are forced to live in crates that they can not turn around. They can not even turn their heads. These animals will never see the loving touch of a human. They will never get to nurture, raise, and love their babies, they will never touch grass, roll in mud, bask in the sun, roam freely, nothing. 


These animals are living in enslavement and we pay to eat them. 

Before I continue, I am just as guilty as anyone. However, I have decided to make a drastic turn around and STOP. 

Do you eat at any fast food joint? 


Do you drink milk?


Do you eat eggs?

Did you know an egg is a hen’s menstrual cycle in, well, an egg shell? Yes, that is exactly what it is. 

I am sorry if this is offending you. However, it is truth. 


If you want to eat meat, that is your choice. But must you pay for this sort of cruelty to go on? Must you remain silent when this is going on? Do you tell yourself animals do not feel pain? They see as we do, hear as we do, taste, they have senses, as we do… Do you mean to tell me all of these work except their brain? The brain is where pain is recognized. The brain is where self awareness and emotions are. I am pretty 100% sure their brains are functioning just as well as ours if not better. 


I am not writing this to be your enemy. AWARENESS is key. Stop being fed lies. Think about it. I dare you to watch video footage of what goes on in the meat industry. It is extremely easy to find. After that, I challenge you to research eating Vegan. It is eating what the Earth makes. It can not hurt you. It will benefit you greatly. It is easy to eat Vegan in today’s world with all the wonderful alternatives that have. Look it up. 

If you can not bring yourself to look and see, think about how you can bring yourself to eat them… STOP PAYING FOR THE CRUELTY. ImageImageImageImageImageImageAniImageImageImageImage



A spider spoke to me this evening…

I was in the shower this evening and I noticed a tiny spider climbing up the shower wall. The small spider decided to climb the wall where the shower head hung from. I didn’t think much of it on first glance. Then is dawned on me. This small spider was risking it’s very life in my shower. He or she was climbing the wall in hopes of reaching the top and safety. I thought to take a few moments to be inspired by a super tiny spider trying it’s best to not be washed down the drain. The spider was attempting something very challenging and life threatening. As I watched, a few thoughts came across my mind. I noticed the spider never stopped to think, “this is a bad idea…”, “Maybe I should go back to the bottom and try to hide behind a shampoo bottle…” No. The spider was persistent. The spider did not quit. Every now and again, a drop of water would splash back and knock him down about 7 inches. He would immediately pick himself up and go at it again. Sometimes the spider would step on a wet spot and that would cause him to slip. Again, the spider went back at climbing upward. The spider could not really tell the distance it had to go. The spider just knew going upward would finally lead him to safety. The little spider fell nearly eight times. Yet, finally, before turning the water head off, he made it and scurried out of sight…

This spider displayed a very inspirational act. Most would have deliberately turned the shower head so that the spider would surely succumb to it’s death just because he was there. However, I like to take moments like this and see what I can learn from that creature. Every creature has a story and can teach us something. This spider didn’t realize what an inspirational journey he had just completed.

Any who, I will end this now… I just had to jot down a few thoughts on the matter… I hope someone will see what I saw in this little spider…